
So I've always taken notes on helpful resources I found for all kinds of things so here's a big collection of all of them.

Why should you trust me? Maybe you shouldn't.
I'm still pretty young and inexperienced all things considered but I have found these resources helpful and you might too.
There will also be sections more focused on my advice and what I have learned when I haven't found a good external resource explaining it.

Also I don't endorse anyone I link here. I found it helpful as a resource but don't necessarily agree with all their views etc.

If you have any questions or a link doesn't work anymore or something, feel free to message me at: or in the guestbook below.


Game Making Game Marketing Art Websites
Job Stuff Trans Related Other

All the Subpages

Game Making

Game Design GameMaker Ren'py Music/ SFX Other

Game Marketing

Game Marketing General Social Media Newsletter Game Website


References Tools Tutorials Youtube Videos


Website Overview Layout and Deco Code Snippets Accessibility

Trans Related

General Healthcare Voice Training

Update Log


Added content to the Website section under Backgrounds and added a game-feel resource to the Gamemaking - Gamedesign section


Added content to the Website section under layouts and code snippets.


Added a Trans Section and Other Section .


Added a Guestbook to this page.


Update on Art - References Section


Update on Websites - Accessibility Section


Created this resource section on this website


If a link doesn't work, you have suggestions for more resources or you have anything else to say, feel free to leave a little message.

Please keep in mind that I will review each message first before it shows up here so it may take some time.